Can I tow a trailer with my mobility scooter?

mobility scooter caravan

Although you can buy trailers designed to be towed behind mobility scooters, they are not legal to use on pavements or the road. The Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) Regulations 1986 state that so-called invalid carriages are not entitled to tow trailers of any type.

The ban appears to be another example of mobility scooter users being discriminated against. For example, two-seater mobility scooters are no different from a conventional driver-only model, other than their stretched chassis and additional seat. And yet, tandem mobility scooters are not legal to use on UK roads or pavements.

It’s not as if mobility scooters aren’t up to the job of towing trailers. Our Guinness World Record-winning QTvan is a caravan designed to be towed behind a mobility scooter. As you can see from the photo below, we didn’t have any difficulty at all cruising the aisles of our local supermarket.

Mobility scooter breakdown specialists the ETA built the tiny QTvan

Comprehensive mobility scooter insurance

ETA Mobility Scooter Insurance offers peace of mind for just £65 per year – with no hidden costs. The following benefits are included as standard.

  • Cover for theft, accidental loss and damage up to £3,500
  • Breakdown recovery up to 25 miles
  • Replacement scooter hire up to £250
  • Key cover up to £100
  • Personal accident cover up to £20,000
  • Personal liability cover up to £2,000,000
  • Cover for personal effects up to £250
  • Hospital benefit of £15 per day
  • Puncture repairs covered up to £100

Find out more about mobility scooter insurance

Couples cover for mobility scooters

Insurance from the ETA already represents great value at £65 per year to cover a mobility scooter or powered wheelchair worth up to £3,500, but you can now buy the same policy to cover two people at the same address for only £90 per year – a saving of 30 per cent.

You now also have the option of insuring your mobility scooter or powered wheelchair for £3,500, £5,000. £7,500 or even £10,000.

There’s never been a better time to buy ETA mobility scooter insurance.

win a luxury hotel break for two

Everyone who buys ETA mobility scooter insurance over the coming months will be entered into a prize draw to win a UK hotel break for two worth over £1,000.

The ethical choice

The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. Over 30 years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance , breakdown cover and mobility scooter insurance while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.

The Good Shopping Guide judges us to be the UK’s most ethical provider.



  1. Neil Edgar


    Once again the disabled are being maginalised, anyone can tow a trailer behind a bicycle, yet we are not allowed to tow behind our mobility scooter. It would improve my quality of life if I could go shopping, and have a small trailer to put it in! Would make me feel human again!

  2. Christine Payne


    Law should be changed as there are lot of inconsiderate dangerous non disabled drivers on uk and worldwide roads .

  3. James palmer


    TBH I tow my bespoke trailer two foot by two foot for shopping I’m always on pavement as yet I have not been pulled by old bill,it would take a real jobsworth contstable to pull a pensioner over surely they are to busy letting real crooks get off the hook or is it pensioners can’t run fast enough hahaha

    • Gary Randall


      Love your comment James. I am in the process of designing and building a trailer for my mobility scooter. I can do just over 15mph on standard batteries…. lets see a fully loaded copper keep up on foot.

  4. Barry Barrett


    Hello, I use my mobility scooter most days for shopping as it is can only carry small amount of shopping a with a trailer i could get a lot more food to last me longer, why do they want to make it elegal to tow a small trailer, how about some people can barley walk let a lone drive i gave up driving because my legs could not respond i didnt want to be responible for hurting some one. we have orderd one trailer for shopping and a pet trailer .

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