Design your dream mobility scooter

mobility scooter caravan

An estimated 300,000 people in the UK rely on a mobility scooter to lead an independent life, but are they all they could be? We know for instance that many people would like to carry a passenger, but for some unknown reason tandem seat mobility scooters remain illegal in this country. Likewise, manufacturers seem unwilling to provide mobiltiy scooters with any more storage space than a small metal basket.

What features would you include if you were to design your own mobility scooter? If you enjoy  exploring away from the beaten track, you might take inspiration from the Boomer Beast – an off-road mobility scooter that’s as happy popping to the local shops by road as it is crossing a muddy field. The Beast is capable of 24 mph – a top speed that can be governed for use on the road. All three wheels are driven and shod with knobbly tyres making it possible to tackle inclines of up to 35 degrees.

off-road mobility scooter

Alternatively, you might like your mobility scooter to include tea making facilities. When we built the world’s smallest caravan, we designed it to be towed behind a mobility scooter. As well as a 19” television and a drinks cabinet, the tiny caravan boasts a kettle. And if you forget the biscuits, the mobility scooter caravan is so compact it can be towed inside a supermarket.

QTvan camper vans

Let us know which features you’d like in your dream moblility scooter. Who knows, we might build it for real.

Insurance for mobility scooters

Fully comprehensive mobility scooter insurance from the ETA  represents excellent value for money. For more information click here

The policy includes everything you need to keep you moving should your mobility scooter be stolen, vandalised or damaged accidentally. At no extra cost, you also benefit from breakdown cover to take you home if your mobility scooter suffers a flat battery, mechanical fault or puncture – we’ll even pay up to £100 to get the puncture repaired.

For added reassurance, every policy includes £2m third party cover to protect you against claims for injury or damage caused while using your mobility scooter or powered chair. And should you be unfortunate enough to crash your scooter, our insurance policy includes personal accident cover up to £20,000.

The ethical choice

The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. Over 30 years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance , breakdown cover  and mobility scooter insurance while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.

The Good Shopping Guide judges us to be the UK’s most ethical provider.



  1. Mark Harrison


    My wife has a disability affecting her arms and hands. I am exasperated by the lack of control options for mobility scooter. Particularly the fact that they all seem to have flip levers that require the ability to extend and flex fingers or thumb. My wife drives a car but cannot drive mobility scooter.

  2. Peter griffiths


    I would love a 25mph nice all round 4×4 one with heated grips and seat and a towbar to pull a small trailer or caravan

  3. Maria


    Usb phone charger, should be standard, I’ve added one to my scooter
    Drinks holder
    Revoking charging lead
    Doggy trailer
    Phone app control
    Cruise control… I’ve made one
    Rear passenger boggie board towed behind for them to stand on… Thinking of making one
    Mobile phone holder to allow giggle maps
    Motorcycle fly screen
    Retractable lamppost lock
    Quick change lockable wheels with spare wheel for punctures
    Anti theft alarm
    Adjustable suspension for on road and off road

  4. Ken McKenzie


    Just started looking at mobility scooters my wife has multiple sclerosis so walking is difficult. We live in a rural area farm tracks fields with a dog who loves rural walking, travel is in motorhome mainly UK but also Europe…so a practical light weight off road folder that can handle tracks, styles, gates even if I have to lift over. One that folds to fit in vehicle. Don’t often visit towns but it’s appalling in big places with stairs / steps / kerbs & have to carry if you want to use public transport or visit anywhere like a stadium

    Most seem to be shoppers on flat surface. Great if you live in the town useless if you’re rural. But the rural scooters are massive not practical to take with you in car. In UK need to be weather proof (rain cover but also sun shade). Needs decent range / charging so lithium battery that’s lockable something that will give say 3-4 days walking with partner over tracks without going flat. Power outlet for charging phone. Decent brakes hydraulic disc, Scooter also needs securing so disc brake locks, battery locks, tracker. Decent storage or simple hitch for small trailer like bike trailer. Removable bags like pannier.

  5. John Turner


    Hi I have ha some Pride scooters in the past I now have a Green Power Fastest and had the Automatic breaking system taken off and has 3 speeds 4/8/and 15 mph it’s had some problems at first but hopefully got them sorted out but time will tell I got in March 2022 and up to date I have done 760 miles
    I have a border collie dog and try to go where he goes but their are place’s I can’t go to as a bit to inaccessible with the scooters that I have got
    Now my ideal scooter would one I can go to these place’s that I can’t go to at the moment I would like one with a large foot plate so when my dog gets a bit tired can sit on the foot plate and take a break and he is safer when on the roads and a large carrying box on the back and with a tow bar for my shopping trailer which is 60cm x95 cm long and got 4 wheels as you can see from my request I am not the normal 77 year old person I would like to go on soft sand which my scooter will not do at the moment they say that I can’t do that And I don’t like to be told that I can’t do or go there I want to so of the woodlands near me I can’t go to as are to muddy and uneven I think that they think all old people with mobility scooters should only go 4 mph and not go on the roads or am I asking to much from the mobility scooter people getting outdoors with my dog and doing the things that he does and to share that moments with him so we both come home and say that was a great day I put my feet up and he goes and has a good long sleep ready for the next time I hope that this was of some help to you regards John from Northampton

  6. Joan Seal


    I have made a waterproof cover with side pockets and a long flap on front of seat so when you go into a shop and leave scooter outside and you have a bag of shopping the long flap goes over shopping to hide bag …it works a treat …and many people have asked were can they buy one !!

  7. Kay


    I suffer from scoliosis and use a shop rider, but I find the pavements going from old town too bumpy, till you get to town then it’s OK

  8. Ian Henderson


    Scooterpcac Like Cabin Car???? And To Legally Tow The Caravan Pictured, Freedom Beyond Belief, Im sure Many Would Agree????

  9. Patricia


    My husband has mobility problems and now is getting dementia, so a double scooter would be ideal. I have to use his wheelchair now and we can’t go half as far as we use to when he could manage his scooter himself

  10. Patricia LENTON


    As above

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