Breakdown Road Clock

Mon 22nd July 2024

CO2 transport emissions (kg)
Petrol & diesel used (litres)
Vehicle tyres replaced
Car batteries replaced
Car crime
Fuel Duty
Raised (£)
Bicycles stolen
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Miles Travelled
by Cars
Miles Travelled
by Motorcycles
Miles Travelled
by Lorries
Miles Travelled
by Buses / coaches
Miles Travelled
by Bicycles
Breakdowns per day
Southeast 4,727
Southwest 1,808
East Midlands 661
West Midlands 784
Northeast 1,031
Northwest 779
Wales 554
Scotland 782
Transport stats per day
CO2 transport emissions (kg) 334,794,000
Petrol & diesel used (litres) 114,090,364
Vehicle tyres replaced 87,671
Car batteries replaced 6,849
Car crime 438
Fuel Duty
Raised (£)
Bicycles stolen 1,369
Miles travelled per day
Cars 659,452,054
Motorcycles 7,945,205
Lorries 43,561,643
Buses / coaches 7,945,205
Bicycles 8,493,150

The Road Clock is a counter that displays many transport-related stats including total miles driven, petrol and diesel consumed, bicycles stolen and the number of car breakdowns each day.

Compiled and published by the Environmental Transport Association, the Road Clock counter reveals the astonishing amount of resources consumed, and pollution created, as a direct result of the way we travel each day.

According to the Road Clock, over one third of a million tons of CO² will be emitted lorries, coaches, cars and motorcycles. Over 85,000 tyres will be replaced. Over 100 million litres of fuel will be consumed. All on Britain’s roads. Today.

The clock pulls data from a variety of sources and publishes statistics on the consumption of petrol and diesel and the resulting CO² emissions. These and many more interesting transport facts can be found at the world’s first road use counter, the Road Clock.

As well as the environmental impact of driving, the stats for cycle theft are astonishing. Over 1,000 bicycles will today be stolen.

Amaze your friends with facts from Road Clock.

How many cars, vans and motorcycles break down each day?

Based on the driving history of 800,000 current customers, car breakdown provider ETA calculated the areas in Britain where the most breakdowns occur. Get an instant quote for car, motorcycle or van breakdown cover.

How much car crime?

According to official police-recorded figures for car crime – which include stolen vehicles as well as thefts from cars and vans – stood at 456,000 in 2010.

How many bicycles get stolen?

The British crime survey, which examines people’s experience of crime rather than recorded offences, estimates that 533,000 are stolen bikes each year in Britain. Get an instant quote for cycle insurance

How much CO² from road transport?

The government issues a factsheet looking at British greenhouse gas (GHG) from road transport. Road transport accounts for the majority of GHG emissions from transport and around a fifth of all British greenhouse gas emissions. Road transport greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions increased to 113.6 MtCO2e in 2009, which equates to 334,794,000kg per day. 

How many car tyres are replaced each day?

According to the tyre industry federation, 32 million tyres are replaced each year in Britain. This figure does not include remoulds. Vehicle tyres replaced each day: 87,671.

How many miles driven in Britain?

Department for transport traffic statistics provide estimates of the vehicle miles travelled each year in Great Britain, by vehicle type, road category and region. Cars: 659,452,054.

How much petrol and diesel used every day?

According to an article on energy trends published by the Department for Energy and Climate Change, 35.4m tons of fuel is consumed each year by vehicles on British roads.  1 metric ton = 1000 kg. 1000 kg / 0.850 kg/L = 1176.47 litres. Petrol & diesel consumed per day: 114,090,364 litres.

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