News Archives - e-bike

Whatever you ride, winter will be hard on your bicycle

Most cyclists agree a good bicycle should be protected from the ravages of winter. It’s how you achieve it that causes disagreement. Mothballing an expensive bike in favour of a cheap hack while roads are covered in grime and salt is a school of thought considered perverse by those who don’t believe in keeping things ‘for best’. More importantly, one…

E-bike flat battery? Don’t worry, we’ll rescue you

It’s an unfortunate fact of life; bicycles can break down. Even the shortest journey comes to an abrupt halt if you can’t fix a flat tyre, broken chain or buckled wheel at the roadside. It’s why 30 years ago we launched Cycle Rescue  – the first breakdown cover policy for bicycles. ETA Cycle Rescue covers e-bikes, too. If you ride…

Bicycle beaconisation’s the name, high-tech victim blaming’s the game

Everyone wants to stay safe on the roads. Unfortunately, there are wildly different ideas about how that’s best achieved. Beaconisation is a digital version of the red flag they waved ahead of early cars* – except this time it’s for cyclists. If you think fitting pedestrians and cyclists with transponders to prevent them being run over in the brave new…

Is my e-bike a bicycle or a motorcycle?

It’s deeply unhelpful that the term e-bike has become a catch-all for both road-legal, electrically assisted bicycles and full-blown battery powered motorcycles. And as if the water isn’t muddy enough, bikes in both camps can look similar, if not identical, to each other. Little wonder so many people are confused. UK law: Is my e-bike a bicycle or a motorcycle?…

What’s the biggest thing you’ve carried by bicycle?

With the exception of child seats, few of us here in Britain use bicycles as a way of carrying stuff of any size. By contrast, cyclists elsewhere in the world are dab hands at lashing all manner of cargo to bog-standard bikes. Adding luggage racks makes things a whole lot easier – elevating the humble bicycle into a veritable workhorse.…