News Archives - Mobility

Buying your first mobility scooter

Buying your first mobility scooter is an exciting step towards greater independence and freedom. With various options available, it’s useful to understand the different types and the legal requirements. What are the different types of mobility scooter? Mobility scooters come in three main categories: Class 2, Class 3, and folding/travel scooters. Each type has its own unique features and benefits:…

Will there be a change in the law for tandem mobility scooters?

One reason tandem mobility scooters are illegal on UK footpaths and roads is the absence of a minister for older people. Back in 2012, a cross-party group of backbenchers argued that politicians overlook elderly members of society. They urged the Conservative government to create a minister for older people, stating that policymakers often focus on the fit, able-bodied, internet-savvy, and…

I need to buy mobility scooter insurance for my parents

Mobility scooters allow around half-a-million people here in the UK to live independent lives, and we’re here to provide a lifeline when things go wrong. We protect against punctures, lost keys, accidental damage, and our breakdown service operates 24/7. Our insurance costs only £65 per year to cover a mobility scooter or powered wheelchair worth up to £3,500; if you…

Cycle to Work scheme; a safer bet than Santa

There’s no doubt about it; Santa discriminates against grown-ups. By the time you’ve entered the world of work, it doesn’t matter how many letters you write, or how well you behave; it’s unlikely you’ll be surprised by a bicycle under the tree. Luckily, there’s a more dependable way to treat yourself to the bike of your dreams. The Cycle to…

Great value mobility scooter insurance with no hidden costs

Mobility scooter insurance may not be a legal requirement, but there’s a good reason it’s popular; Nobody likes unexpected bills, and cover against accidental damage, theft and damage has never been easier to buy. However, prices and levels of cover vary wildly between providers so it pays to shop around. We offer a fully-comprehensive policy with no hidden costs; one…