Car Junkie Detox | and on it goes

July 13, 2010


Missed my direct train to work, so had to get the next one, which meant I had to wait at Woking station for 20 minutes, no fun.

When I got to my final stop Weybridge, I put my note book (which I had been using to write my blog) and file down on the side by the barrier whist I looked for my ticket, found my ticket picked up my file and went on my way. After walking 10 minutes I realised I’d lost my note book – so ran back to the station and asked the fat grumpy man who sits behind the kiosk if he’s seen anyone pick it up.

Nope – another loss to the challenge!!!


Spent the day in London with my mummy, I would usually drive to Rowhampton park then get the bus into London with my oyster card, but instead got the train from Guildford – I do find the price of train travel extortionate!


Had 8 people coming round for roast dinner – needed to go to the supermarket but being sans car couldn’t go – so I gave a very kind a willing friend who lives near the supermarket a list of stuff to buy. Times like these you really appreciate great friends!


You do see some real weirdoes on the train.


I have worked out I am burning an extra 240 calories a day through my walking to and from the station – but I have not been going to they gym as much, because of the extra time it is taking me to get to and from work.

Information correct at time of publication.

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