
Car Junkie Detox | and on it goes

July 13, 2010

Friday Missed my direct train to work, so had to get the next one, which meant I had to wait at Woking station for 20 minutes, no fun. When I got to my final stop Weybridge, I put my note book (which I had been using to write my blog) and file down on the side by the barrier whist I looked for my ticket, found my ticket picked up my file...

General News

Solar-powered plane flies through the night

July 9, 2010

A single-seat solar-powered plane has landed in Switzerland having flown at an altitude of 8,700m for twenty-six hours – the longest and highest flight recorded by a solar-powered aircraft. Highly efficient electric motors and batteries allowed pilot Andre Borschberg to keep the four-engine Solar Impulse aircraft aloft throughout the hours...

General News

The revival of bicycle head badge art

July 9, 2010

If you are one of Britain’s five million regular cyclists, how best to subtly tweak the appearance of your bike so that it stands out from the crowd? It was once common for bikes to display a beautifully-designed and brightly painted metal head badge in the same way as cars wore a mascot on their bonnet, but the practice has largely been...

General News

Fossil fuel electricity not a patch on bicycle power

July 6, 2010

A seamster from Oakland, California is the latest cyclist to make use of pedal power to run a business. Paul Nosa charges eight dollars to sew a patch using electricity from a bicycle-driven generator, although if the customer provides the legwork the price is reduced by 50 cents for every minute of pedalling. Mobile knife sharpeners who...

General News

Electric car subsidy is parked

July 2, 2010

It seems likely that the £5,000 grant for electric vehicles pledged by the last government has been shelved after business secretary, Vince Cable, failed to confirm in the recent emergency budget that it will go ahead in January 2011. “We’ve moved on from the era of subsidies” Citroën, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Peugeot and Renault – all...

General News

Formula One talk of ‘greener’ racing

June 30, 2010

Formula One will try to attract manufacturers to the sport by radically changing the specification of its racing cars; engines are likely to be further reduced in size and the amount of fuel the cars are permitted to use during testing and racing will be capped. It is hoped the move towards greater fuel efficiency will tempt manufacturers...

General News

The 100ft trimaran that uses bicycle power

June 30, 2010

Successful single-handed sailing demands that a skipper be physically fit and highly resourceful, so perhaps it should come as little surprise that the record-breaking sailor and keen cyclist, Frank Cammas, has fitted a bicycle to the deck of a 100ft trimaran, so that he can trim the sails using pedal power. Groupama 3 is designed to be...

General News

Raleigh Avanti Team: Ultimate hybrid bicycle?

June 29, 2010

Mountain bikes are the default choice for most cyclists, but a promotional film for the forthcoming Bike Radar Live event shows a Raleigh road bike taking on the most extreme of off-road conditions. The clip sees British trials rider Martyn Ashton using his carbon-framed Raleigh to hop over boulders, perform flips at a skate park and cross...

General News

Cycle safety mirrors to be mounted to London’s traffic lights

June 24, 2010

Large mirrors are to be fitted to traffic lights in London in a bid to reduce the number of cyclists killed and seriously injured by left-turning lorries. The majority of cyclists killed in London are in collision with a heavy goods vehicle and in most cases the lorry was turning left and the driver failed to see the cyclist. The new...

General News

Booby-trapped bicycle may beat thieves, but is illegal

June 23, 2010

Cyclists who take direct action against cycle thieves by booby trapping their bicycles risk prosecution themselves. has learned that a London cyclist frustrated by the high rate of cycle theft resorted to supplementing the security provided by a conventional lock by securing their bike with a length of hidden 500lb fishing...

General News