
Election 2010: What does the Green Party manifesto say on transport?

April 30, 2010

This election is, perhaps, the most important election since 1910, when the House of Commons finally broke away from the House of Lords; the election could provide a similar shift in power towards the people. With not a single question on transport in the three leaders’ debates the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) has examined all...

General News

Election 2010: What does the UKIP manifesto say on transport?

April 30, 2010

This election is, perhaps, the most important election since 1910, when the House of Commons finally broke away from the House of Lords; the 2010 election could provide a similar shift in power towards the people. With not a single question on transport in the three leaders’ debates the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) has examined...

General News

Election 2010: What does the Conservative manifesto say on transport?

April 30, 2010

This election is, perhaps, the most important election since 1910, when the House of Commons finally broke away from the House of Lords; the election could provide a similar shift in power towards the people. With not a single question on transport in the three leaders’ debates the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) has examined all...

General News

VW folding e-bike charges in the boot

April 30, 2010

When Volkswagen recognises the need for having an electric bike permanently stored in the boot of its vehicles, the company reveals much about how it imagines congestion, low-emission zones and parking restrictions will affect the way we use our cars in the future. As Lexus exhibits its electric bicycle in Britain this week, VW has unveiled...

General News

Bendy buses going cheap as new Routemaster costs announced

April 29, 2010

London’s bendy buses, the 18 metre-long articulated single-deckers that are as loved by fare dodgers as they are loathed by some cyclists and pedestrians, are being sold off at knockdown prices. Since the London mayor Boris Johnson pledged to phase out bendy buses, which are regarded as too long for London’s narrow and winding streets and...

General News

The Lexus electric bicycle is height of luxury

April 28, 2010

When Toyota entered the global market for luxury cars in the late 1980s with a new brand called Lexus, they relied on engineering excellence to take on heavyweight rivals Mercedes and BMW, and it’s an approach that the company has now applied to the electric bicycle. Lexus has this week brought the electric concept bicycle to Britain for...

General News

Latest car club lets you rent from your neighbour

April 28, 2010

With petrol prices in Britain at record levels, it is with impeccable timing that WhipCar, a neighbour-to-neighbour car rental service, has launched in London. WhipCar acts as a mediator between car owners wanting to reduce their running costs and people who want to borrow a car for hours or days at a time. Need a car? Rent the one next...

General News

Bicycle stunt hall of fame: Handbrake turn parallel parking

April 27, 2010

Using a handbrake turn to parallel park a car is a risky manoeuvre best left to experienced stunt drivers, but a young schoolchild in Japan has this week become an internet sensation after demonstrating that for cyclists the trick is child’s play. Handbrake parallel parking for cyclists The Youtube video of the five-year-old girl locks the...

General News

The ultimate off-road electric bicycle

April 22, 2010

It’s not legal on British roads, it costs £3,000 and you have to order it from Switzerland, but the Stealth Fighter electric bicycle is a strong contender for title of world’s ultimate off-road e-bike. The Stealth Fighter has one gear for pedalling without electric power and another for pedalling with the motor at higher speeds. A quieter...


Police borrow spy technology to monitor bus passengers

April 22, 2010

Passengers on Birmingham’s buses are being monitored by police using the latest spy technology to hack into the vehicles’ CCTV systems. During a six-week operation, the Safer Travel police team have used transmitters to tap into the on-board CCTV systems of passing buses and then beam live images back to their unmarked police cars up to...

General News