News Archives - ETA breakdown cover

The ghoulish car stickers designed to frighten other drivers

It’s a dog-eat-dog world on the roads today; the automotive arms race that sees motorists choosing ever-larger and aggressive-looking cars has left drivers in China turning to horrifying lengths to gain one-upmanship. Drivers have flocked to buy reflective ghost face decals for the rear windows of their cars that are visible only when the driver behind uses their full beam.…

Supersized crash test dummies as average driver gets fatter

Faced with a generation of fatter and older drivers, engineers in America are building supersized crash test dummies. The current design of crash test dummy dates from the early 1970s and was modelled on the weight of a man on the 50th percentile. Since then, the average driver has become notably older and heavier. The new supersized crash test dummy has…

The changing face of transport in London

We were asked this week to share our views on the changing face of transport in London. Here’s what we said. One of Transport for London’s environmental goals is to decrease the emissions to the air from traffic. What do you see is being currently done to improve London’s transportation system from a sustainable perspective and in relation to this…

Mobile phones and driving danger

The more you cycle, the more you notice how many motorists are using their mobile phones while at the wheel. The threat of a penalty, which will soon comprise six points and a fine of £200, seemingly has little effect. The fact that drivers fail to take the matter seriously mirrors the apathy exhibited by the authorities; in 2015, cyclist…

Hierarchy to help transport engineers get priorities in order

Just as the refrain reduce, reuse, recycle has been adopted by environmentalists worldwide to prioritise sustainable practice, so the transport engineering sector has its own equivalent – the Transport Hierarchy. Developed by Duncan Kay and Daniel Kenning, engineers with decades of experience in the field, and published by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMeche), the Transport Hierarchy report is designed as a framework to…