News Archives - ETA breakdown cover

Car emissions scandal: The next chapter

Mercedes has once again topped the list of Europe’s car fuel economy cheats, according to a report by transport lobby group T&E. The worst offenders are the Mercedes A and E class which guzzle an average of 56 per cent more fuel on the road than is claimed in the sales brochure. Car emissions scandal Fuel efficiency tests are carried…

Fastest electric car recharge quicker than filling up with petrol

New supercapacitor technology developed by Surrey University promises to make electric cars quicker to recharge than conventional cars take to fill with petrol. Supercapacitors can accept and deliver a charge much faster than batteries, and tolerate many more charge and discharge cycles than rechargeable batteries. These qualities plus their potential to be 10,000 times more powerful than existing battery alternatives…

Car free city centres

As cities around the world wake up to the environmental, social and health benefits of reducing motorised traffic, the most ambitious are pledging to go car free: Hamburg plans to phase cars out of its city centre by 2034; Vancouver wants to make 50% of its journeys non-car by 2020;  Copenhagen intends to be the first carbon-neutral city by 2025. To…

HUMO human powered vehicles

The idea of travelling in an extremely small and lightweight vehicle that will not move without physical effort from its driver will seem outlandish to motorists who do little more than turn a key, but we are great fans of human powered vehicles (HPVs). These environmentally benign vehicles could have a transformative effect on the way we get about town…

Cars to get zebra crossing projector

Cars of the near future will be equipped with their own zebra crossing projector, according to Mercedes. The German car maker has developed high-tech headlights that comprise one million pixels, each of which can be illuminated or dimmed independently. The car’s cameras and radar look out for other road users and then tailor the headlight beam accordingly. For example, the light would be dimmed…