News Archives - ETA breakdown cover

Nobe: The electric car that doesn’t compromise on style

According to the Estonian start-up, Nobe, a lightweight, comfortable and compact electric car doesn’t have to be expensive or look generic. And while there’s no word on the final price of this battery powered three-wheeler, it’s big on style with lines evocative of a 1960s Alfa Romeo. Alongside a predicted range of 137 miles and 68mph top speed, the Nobe…

Rasa: The hydrogen car that offers a clean slate

The internal combustion engine has done an admirable job at resisting obsolescence – even in the face of climate breakdown, an air pollution crisis and widespread cheating of emissions testing, car makers are reluctant to start with a blank sheet of paper. However, there are signs the death knell is tolling for the internal combustion with the announcement by various…

VED rates 2020 penalise new large cars

A change in the way that emissions are calculated means drivers who buy larger petrol or diesel vehicles from new will be hit with a higher initial car tax payment. In a bid to increase take-up of electric vehicles, some drivers could be hit with an increase of more than £1,000 on their first year’s payment of vehicle excise duty.…

Grow a bamboo bicycle

Michael Gove said last week that visiting an allotment seemed a perfectly sensible thing to do given the current restrictions. He won’t have had in mind, but people have taken to growing their own bicycles. Bicycles built from bamboo are nothing new. However,  despite the fact they offer a sustainable and practical alternative to steel it’s a method of construction…

Solar-powered battery charger for cars standing idle (or cyclists on the go)

The fact millions of cars across Britain are currently sitting idle is great for the environment,  but not so good for the cars themselves as batteries may begin to lose their charge. Solar-powered battery chargers are inexpensive and easy to use. Simply place one on your dashboard and plug into your 12v socket. Be aware that running your car’s engine…