News Archives - ETA breakdown cover

Sweden to experience life-size Scalextric on electric roads

Sweden aims to be carbon neutral by 2050. In order to reduce the emissions from road transport, which currently account for 30 per cent of the country’s total, engineers are developing electric roads that bear a resemblance to life-size Scalextric. eRoadArlanda is the first electrified road to allow both commercial and passenger traffic to be recharged while driving. The system…

10,000 reasons British road traffic law is wasting police time

As police struggle to carry out their duties in the face of budget cuts, British road traffic law is making their job harder still. Over 10,000 drivers continue to drive legally despite having accrued more than 12 penalty points. Every day, careless and dangerous drivers are stopped by the police and prosecuted by the CPS, but then treated so leniently…

What official cars say about attitudes to air pollution

Two thirds of Scottish Government ministerial cars are diesel it emerged this week following an investigation by The Scotsman. Under plans to reduce the air pollution that is estimated to cost the lives of over 40,000 people around Britain every year, the dirtiest vehicles are to be banned from city centres in Scotland by 2020. It is disappointing that two…

Driving in France 2018

The snow has melted, the equinox has passed, and spring has sprung… in theory if not entirely in practice. However, even though a chill in the air remains, it’s surely open season on daydreaming about summer. If you’re one of the five million British motorists heading to France this year, the ETA Guide to Driving in France is a free…

World’s first 3D printed car ready for mass production

Electric car company XEV and 3D printing company Polymaker claim their new LSEV is the world’s first 3D printed car ready for mass production. The £5,300 electric car car, which weighs just 450 KG has a top speed of 43 miles per hour and a range of 93 on a full charge. CEO of Polymaker, Dr. Luo Xiaofan, said: “XEV…