News Archives - ETA breakdown cover

Electric barges to tackle ‘hidden’ pollution from shipping

Over 50,000 ships ply the world’s oceans to carry an estimated 90 per cent of everything we buy, sell and consume. And yet shipping remains a ‘hidden’ polluter – the only sector of the European economy not covered by the EU’s existing emissions reduction target, which is surprising given emissions from international maritime transport have grown by 70% since 1990. There…

Let’s raise fuel duty to pay for free public transport

Germany is planning to reduce road traffic danger – and especially pollution – by making public transport free. According to German environment minister Barbara Hendricks, “We are considering public transport free of charge in order to reduce the number of private cars. Effectively fighting air pollution without any further unnecessary delays is of the highest priority for Germany.” The radical…

Words are powerful. Choose them carefully

If you accidentally spill coffee on your trousers, that’s one thing, but if a driver’s speeding car slams into a bus stop, killing a child in the process, it’s clearly different…so why does the language we use rarely distinguish between the two? While one can be dismissed as an accident, the other deserves to be described more carefully – nothing…

Join us. Together we can do more

You already know we are different. We may not have a household name, but as Britain’s most ethical breakdown company, we find other ways to stand out from the crowd. If you buy your home insurance, cycle insurance, travel insurance and breakdown cover or mobility scooter insurance, here are just a few of the things you made possible this year… In 2017, we promoted sustainable transport…

Why is road danger reduction so politically toxic?

Road danger reduction is the third rail of of politics – a live wire ready to fry any politician brave enough to touch it. How else would we have found ourselves here? A driver parking their car last year, and travelling at an estimated 5mph, not only managed to collide with a woman, but continued driving until the car had passed…