News Archives - innovation

Drivers who overtake too close: We have our iONu

Poor driving standards mean every cyclist could do with eyes in the back of their head. Now they can have them, with the iONu device developed by cycle insurer, The ETA. iONu is an inflatable mask that cyclists wear on the back of their heads to give approaching drivers the impression they are being watched. The ETA was inspired to…

Pay-as-you-go hydrogen car edges closer to production

Britain’s most radical automotive company is edging ever closer to full-scale production of a hydrogen car with a 300-mile range. Pay-as-you-go hydrogen car Riversimple aims to transform the way we use our cars by replacing outright ownership of diesel and petrol cars with hydrogen-powered vehicles you lease like a mobile phone. Customers will typically take a car for 1 – 3…

Inflatable sofa for ultimate glamping comfort this summer

What better way to enjoy the fleeting sunshine this spring than an inflatable sofa that seats two and packs small enough to fit in a shoe bag? The lightweight inflatable sofa takes only seconds to fill – you simply swing it through the air – and its durable fabric means you can use it year after year. Whether you’re a enjoying a day out…

Why your next car will need a 48-volt battery

Electric car technology is evolving quickly, but don’t expect the internal combustion engine to go down without a fight. By the 1950s most cars had ditched 6-volt batteries in favour of the 12-volt variety. The larger capacity was better suited to cold starts and the increasing number of powered gizmos being used to tempt drivers. Almost 70 years later at…

Back to the future: Retro electric scooters, bicycles and mopeds

The original ČZ Čezeta scooter was powered by a 175cc two-stroke single and its distinctive snout-like fairing earned it the nickname ‘pig’. Now, 54 years after production of the pig came to an end, scooter fanatic Neil Eamonn Smith has revived the bike as a battery powered replica. The new Čezeta is powered by an 11 kW electric motor that can…