News Archives - innovation

Barking that kids have to protest for safe crossings

This was the week we joined forces with Sustrans and Living Streets to help a community campaign for a safe crossing. We brought our inflatable pop-up zebra crossing to Barking to help local residents who struggling in the face of road danger. It was telling that those who attended the protest ranged in age from 5 to 85. The road…

Hand soap bicycle hack

If you like tinkering with your bike, but don’t like getting oil stuck under your fingernails what’s the answer? You can use latex gloves, but what if you’re trying to reduce your consumption of single-use plastic? How about scratching at a bar or soap? We can’t claim credit for dreaming up this clever solution, but we’re keen to pass it…

Sweden to experience life-size Scalextric on electric roads

Sweden aims to be carbon neutral by 2050. In order to reduce the emissions from road transport, which currently account for 30 per cent of the country’s total, engineers are developing electric roads that bear a resemblance to life-size Scalextric. eRoadArlanda is the first electrified road to allow both commercial and passenger traffic to be recharged while driving. The system…

Win a bicycle whistle

The Bookman bicycle whistle might be based on nineteenth century technology, but its benefits for urban cyclists remain up to date. Established in Birmingham in 1870, Acme Whistles has teamed up with Swedish bicycle accessory supremo, Bookman, to create a new design of whistle for today’s rider. According to Bookman’s Johan Lidehall: “Most of our customers probably wouldn’t like the look of…

World’s first 3D printed car ready for mass production

Electric car company XEV and 3D printing company Polymaker claim their new LSEV is the world’s first 3D printed car ready for mass production. The £5,300 electric car car, which weighs just 450 KG has a top speed of 43 miles per hour and a range of 93 on a full charge. CEO of Polymaker, Dr. Luo Xiaofan, said: “XEV…