Make a Claim
Claiming for theft or damage
Please ensure you have the following:
- The cycle receipt or other proof of purchase
- A VAT-registered trader’s estimate for the cost of repair/replacement
- The lock receipt (if claiming for theft of the cycle/stolen parts/vandalism)
- Any photographic evidence you have relating to the claim
- A police crime reference number if claiming for theft or vandalism
When attaching supporting images or documents, please ensure you either zip or reduce the image size for files greater than 5MB in size
If you suffer damage to a bicycle named on your policy, please consult us before having repairs carried out or parts replaced. Failure to notify us before having repairs carried out could compromise your claim.
Cycle Breakdown
Call 0333 000 1234 and we will arrange for the transport of the bicycle and you (if appropriate) to:
- the nearest appropriate railway station; OR,
- the nearest suitable bicycle repair shop; OR,
- the nearest car rental agency; OR,
- the nearest overnight accommodation; OR,
- your vehicle within a 25 mile radius; OR,
- home, if nearer.
Cycle Hire
As part of your cycle insurance policy, you’re covered for up to £500 against the costs of hiring a bicycle while your claim is being assessed. To make use of this service:
- Please call us on 0333 000 1234 to receive authorisation before arranging the hire
- Provide us with evidence of the cycle hire costs
Get You Home cover
As part of your cover against theft and accidental damage, we’ll cover the costs of getting home following the theft or irreparable damage of your bike.
All you need to do is keep a receipt for your taxi home and we’ll reimburse the reasonable costs of getting home as part of your claim.
Please refer to our important documents section for full terms and conditions.
Personal Accident & Personal Liability
To make a claim for Personal Accident, Personal Liability or Loss of Earnings, please call us on 0333 000 1234.