What a COUP - Paris launches electric scooter hire share scheme

June 7, 2017

coup paris electric scooter hire share scheme|Coup electric scooter

Following the launch of the successful Velib bicycle share scheme, Paris is to launch an e-scooter sharing service dubbed COUP.

Parisians will have the option of beating their city’s hectic traffic on one of 600 scooters from COUP.

In common with other densely populated cities, Paris has to contend with high levels of particulate pollution from diesel vehicles, a lack of parking, and congestion.

Coup electric scooter

Anyone over 21 with a driving license can use the COUP service. An app allows users to locate, reserve, and book the closest electric scooter - a helmet and two batteries are located under the seat.

The scooters are powered by sustainably produced electricity and can travel at speeds up to 30 mph. As well as being a greener way to travel than a taxi or bus, the electric scooters are cheap at four Euros per 30 minutes and one Euro for every ten minutes thereafter.

Inspired by the success of the Velib share scheme and its 23,000 bicycles, London soon followed suit. There is little doubt that London Mayor Sadiq Khan will be following the COUP scheme with interest when it launches later this summer.

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