
Cargo bikes aren't expensive bikes, they're cheap cars
March 17, 2025

The urban car is about as well-suited to the modern metropolis as a hippopotamus to a studio flat. Summer streets sag under its weight, our air thickens with its exhalations of nitrogen oxides and soot, and all the while, the creature demands more - more space to move, more space to rest. The sheer spatial absurdity of it: Each steel-and-glass sarcophagus idling for hours, occupying far more square footage than the bodies it transports. And yet, bizarrely, we persist.

The hidden cost of car dependency: Why walking and cycling pay dividends for society
March 12, 2025

The true cost of car dependency is eye-watering. Research from Sweden puts the lifetime cost of car ownership at nearly £500,000 - of which a staggering 41% is shouldered by society. From air pollution to road deaths, congestion to climate emissions, the damage caused by our car-first culture extends far beyond individual drivers.

Women have changed the world before: Now it’s time to fix our streets
March 10, 2025

At this point, you could set your watch by it: Another International Women’s Day has rolled around, and we are reminded that while women can allegedly have it all, we still can’t have a cycle lane that doesn’t abruptly vanish into multiple lanes of fast-moving traffic.

The Great British Bike Divide: Why are so few women and girls cycling?
February 27, 2025

If you ever wanted proof that Britain is a land of quietly baked-in inequality, take a look at who’s on a bike. A new report from Sustrans has confirmed what many have long suspected: cycling in the UK is still a largely male pursuit, and the problem starts young. Almost twice as many boys as girls cycle regularly, a discrepancy that echoes into the adult world, where only half as many women as men take to two wheels.

SpaceRail: Cycle storage for your ceiling
February 24, 2025

Bike storage; the eternal struggle. Whether it’s the hallway, shed, or corner of your living room, bicycles have a habit of taking up more space than you’d like. And when you’ve got more than one? Good luck.If you have the ceiling height to play with, SpaceRail lets you store multiple bikes neatly, with minimal faff.