World's first 3D printed car ready for mass production

March 23, 2018

3D printed car

Electric car company XEV and 3D printing company Polymaker claim their new LSEV is the world's first 3D printed car ready for mass production.

The £5,300 electric car car, which weighs just 450 KG has a top speed of 43 miles per hour and a range of 93 on a full charge.

CEO of Polymaker, Dr. Luo Xiaofan, said: “XEV is the first real mass production project using 3D printing. By saying real, I mean there are also lots of other companies using 3D printing for production. But nothing can really compare with XEV in terms of the size, the scale, and the intensity.”

Breaking the mould

Hugo Spowers plans to transform the way we use our cars by replacing outright ownership with a system similar to a mobile phone contract. His approach to car making is radically different to any other manufacturer, not least because the designs are ‘open source’, or freely available to other car makers who would like to build upon the technology. The designers hope to encourage an environmentally-sustainable alternative to conventional car manufacturing, which currently sees cars bought, driven into the ground and junked.

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Information correct at time of publication.

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