Driving to France Crit'Air car stickers

August 10, 2023

emissions stickers driving in France

All cars travelling in 11 low emission French cities, including Paris, Lyon and Grenobles, are required to display anti-pollution 'crit air' stickers which indicate the age and environmental classification of the vehicle. The system has been in place for 6 years but has become stricter with the most polluting vehicles now restricted in some areas.

The round stickers are ranked zero to six - ranking vehicles according to how polluting they are.

The correct sticker must be displayed by every road vehicle, including all cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles, buses and coaches - a law that also applies to foreign-registered vehicles. They only cost a few pounds and will save you the risk of being hit with an on-the-spot fine of €68.

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How do I apply for the Crit'Air emissions stickers?

You can apply for a sticker through the French Air Quality Certification Service online here and delivery is delivery is estimated at 5-10 days. Beware of third party websites that will apply for emissions stickers on your behalf - and charge you an exorbitant fee in the process. The cost through the official website ( https://certificat-air.gouv.fr/ ) is 3.70€ plus postage (3,11€ + 1,50€).

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Which French cities require a 'crit air' emissions sticker?

Lyon, Aix-Marseille, Toulouse, Nice, Montpellier, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Rouen, Reims and Saint-Étienne. From 2025, all cities and agglomerations with more than 150,000 inhabitants will be required to introduce a Low Emission Mobility Zone.

I've got the emissions sticker - is there anything more to it?

Yes, it's a bit more complicated than simply displaying the Crit'Air emissions sticker.

Since the beginning of this year (2023), all vehicles with a Crit'Air rating of 5 (as well as vehicles without a sticker) have been subject to further restrictions in Low Emission Zones - a move that also affects Crit'Air 4 in some areas.

Paris and Greater Paris

Crit'Air 3 cars will be completely banned from 1 January 2025 (Crit'Air 4, 5 and non-classified vehicles are already subject to restrictions)


Crit'Air 5 private vehicles currently subject to traffic restrictions. Crit'Air 4, 3 and 2 vehicles will be restricted over the course of 4 years from 2024.


Crit'Air 4 cars to be banned from 1 January 2024. Crit'Air 3 vehicles will be banned from within the ZFE perimeter after 1 January 2025.


Crit'Air 5 and non-classified vehicles will be banned from driving within the ZFE-m perimeter. The traffic restrictions will apply from 1 January 2024 for Crit'Air 4 vehicles and from 1 January 2025 for Crit'Air 3 vehicles.


Crit'Air 4, 5 vehicles are already banned. The ban is due to be extended to include Crit'Air 3 cars from 1 January 2025.

Additional restrictions are applied during peaks in air pollution.

Driving to France?

The ETA Guide to Driving in France is a free e-book packed with information and advice for anyone planning a driving trip across the channel.

Download your free copy here.


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Information correct at time of publication.

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