Carbon capture bicycle scoops climate change award

bicycle carbon capture device

Bicycles are the most energy-efficient mode of human travel. However, a student from Surrey has created a device to make them even greener.

This week, the Energy Institute awarded the Climate Change Award 2024 to sixth-form student Albert Read for his carbon cycle capture project.

Albert built a bicycle accessory from upcycled household items that removes carbon dioxide from the air. The device uses an old fish tank air pump to bubble air through limewater. The carbon dioxide reacts with the calcium hydroxide in the limewater to form calcium carbonate, which gardeners can use as a liming material. The device is powered by a dynamo and solar panels.

Albert’s Climate Change Awards entry included plans to make the device smaller.

Speaking after the announcement, Albert said: “As an aspiring engineer it’s been rewarding to combine cycling and upcycling to help raise awareness about the need to dramatically reduce CO2 emissions.”

bicycle climate change award

The ethical choice

The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. Over 30 years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance , breakdown cover  and mobility scooter insurance while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.

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