
The war on buttons: Why carmakers are replacing safety with giant screens
March 4, 2025

We cyclists have a lot to contend with on UK roads. If it’s not potholes large enough to swallow a Brompton whole, it’s the delightful sheen of a diesel spill. And if it’s not motorists scrolling TikTok, it’s drivers mesmerised by their ever-expanding dashboard touchscreens - the latest must-have feature in the ongoing competition to see how little of the road head one can actually look at.

The Great British Bike Divide: Why are so few women and girls cycling?
February 27, 2025

If you ever wanted proof that Britain is a land of quietly baked-in inequality, take a look at who’s on a bike. A new report from Sustrans has confirmed what many have long suspected: cycling in the UK is still a largely male pursuit, and the problem starts young. Almost twice as many boys as girls cycle regularly, a discrepancy that echoes into the adult world, where only half as many women as men take to two wheels.

Driving in Europe
February 13, 2025

Whether it’s the promise of sunshine, scenic routes, or the lure of local cuisine, there’s no shortage of reasons to hit the road in Europe. But before you set off, a little preparation can make all the difference. Some of it is common sense – making sure your vehicle is in good shape, mapping out your route, and allowing plenty of time for the journey.

Insurance for bicycles on motorhomes, caravans and campervans
February 3, 2025

Motorhomes and campervans offer an enviable freedom to roam – heading for wherever the mood takes you, pulling over for a brew with a view, and waking up somewhere new. And once you’ve parked up, getting about couldn’t be easier: Just bring a bike. Or three.

Unusual campervans for life on the road
January 17, 2019

If your travel plans for 2019 include a trip by campervan, feast your eyes on the Nimbus - a hybrid electric people carrier that combines styling elements of the iconic Airstream trailer and VW kombi van to produce a design far more radical than anything on the market today. Boasting far more window area, interior space and ground clearance...