A mobility scooter built for two? Illegal, says government

March 13, 2024

mobility scooter caravan

Mobility scooters offer a social lifeline for around half a million people here in the UK, and yet two-seater models remain illegal.

The same goes for our own cosy mobility scooter caravan pictured above. Tesco gave us permission to test drive it down their aisles, but mobility scooter trailers remain illegal to use on footpaths or the road.

We believe mobility scooter users should not be discriminated against in this way.

Protect your mobility scooter

ETA insurance is already great value at £65 per year to cover a mobility scooter worth up to £3,500. However, you can now buy a couples' policy for only £90 per year - a saving of 30 per cent.

A fair price
Only £65 per year to cover a mobility scooter worth £3,500*

Fully-comprehensive & no hidden extras
Every policy includes theft, accidental damage, £2m third-party liability, and a host of other benefits including breakdown recovery, key cover and puncture repair costs.

A name you can trust
We’ve built an enviable reputation since our launch in 1990, and The Good Shopping Guide has named us The UK’s Most Ethical Provider 2024.

*You also have the option of insuring your mobility scooter or powered wheelchair for £3,500, £5,000. £7,500 or even £10,000.

The ethical choice

The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. Over 30 years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance , breakdown cover and mobility scooter insurance while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.

The Good Shopping Guide judges us to be the UK's most ethical provider.



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