BOND bike boasts ejector seat and flame thrower
September 29, 2010

The BOND bike is a new type of bicycle equipped with flame-thrower and ejector seat - an ideal way for 007 to get to work.
The flame-thrower fitted in the handlebars prevents overtaking motorists getting too close. The ejector seat disposes of thieves who beat the padlock and chain. And the bike – which would make Bond’s gadget inventor, Q, proud -also boasts a caterpillar track for smooth riding over pot-holed roads.

BOND bike: Ultimate urban commuter bicycle
Cycle insurer ETA was inspired to build the bicycle after asking 800 cyclists to name their least favourite aspect of life on two wheels.
The B.O.N.D Bike bristles with special features designed to address the most common of these gripes.
BOND bike designer, Yannick Read, said: “Wannabe James Bonds will be disappointed to hear that we have no plans to sell the B.O.N.D Bike, but it shouldn’t be necessary for cyclists to resort to flame throwers to get a little consideration on the roads. Correct road positioning and an assertive riding style can dramatically reduce cars and lorries passing too close.”
Cycle insurance – what if I don’t have an ejector seat?
If your cycle is not fitted with an ejector seat with which to dispatch bike thieves, worry not. Cycle insurance from the ETA includes new-for-old replacement if your bike is stolen, cover for accidental damage (race events included), third party insurance (in the case of an accident you may need to seek compensation or even deal with a claim by someone else), personal accident cover and if you breakdown, they will even come out and recover you and your bike.
Information correct at time of publication.