British drivers: Third from top in European poll

April 17, 2015

European drivers poll

Europeans consider the most responsible drivers to be from Sweden, followed by Germany and Britain. The least responsible drivers are considered to be from Italy, Greece and Poland.

A survey carried out for the Foundation for Responsible Driving by IPSOS examined the behaviour of drivers from ten European countries.

Some of the results are startling; Nine out of ten Europeans drivers admit breaking speed limits. At the same time they feel pessimistic about the future of road safety.

European drivers poll

Only 55 per cent of respondents polled believe that the number of people killed in traffic accidents will continue to decline significantly in coming years (61 per cent in 2014).

In spite of the fact that the majority of drivers admit speeding, separate research commissioned by the ETA found that only one in ten drivers feels embarrassed about their behaviour behind the wheel.

Congestion, fuel prices and other motorists are perennial causes of stress, but one in three drivers said it was simply the mood they were already in that reflected in the way they drove.

Driving traits by region:

  • Scotland
The least stressed drivers, but four times as likely as northerners to be involved in a road rage incident. The least likely to feel scared while driving, although one in five admitted to having taken a different route to feel safer
  • Northern England
Least likely to be involved in a violent road rage incident, but over half admit to having been shouted or gestured at
  • English Midlands and Wales
Young drivers (18-24) living here are the most stressed in Britain
  • London
The most likely to have had their car rammed in a road rage incident – four times as likely as drivers in Scotland. Most likely to have been shouted at (66%), but the least likely to admit to doing the same (33%)

Drivers across all regions admitted their passengers had been surprised at how angry they become behind the wheel, although this was three times as likely to have happened to younger drivers as those aged over fifty-five.

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