Cash-strapped councils launch mobile cycle lanes

April 1, 2024

man on a bicycle towing his own cycle lane

In a bid to cut costs, cash-strapped councils in London today launched a radical approach to boost sustainable transport; mobile cycle lanes.

The towable cycling infrastructure not only provides a moving refuge for cyclists, but is entirely self-funding. As well as providing rudimentary protection from drivers who overtake too close, the mobile cycle lanes are equipped with enforcement cameras that can record traffic offences of many types.

It's expected that revenue from fines will pay for the rollout of as many as 85,000 mobile cycle lanes over the next 12 months.


Mobile cycle lane specification

  • Illuminated bollard encourages to motorists overtake with the 1.5 metre gap prescribed in the Highway Code
  • Enforcement cameras capture traffic offences
  • Robust construction in aerated concrete and asphalt
  • Free to use - 85,000 mobile cycle lanes will deployed this year and stored in existing car parking spaces

A spokesperson for Council Resources and Procurement Services said: "We've already explored a piecemeal approach with 2-metre stretches of conventional cycle lane that don't go anywhere, so towable infrastructure of similar dimensions seems the logical next step."

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