Cracks in the pavement: England’s parking problem

January 31, 2025

car parked on pavement blocking the way for pedestrians

Motorists in Glasgow now face fines of up to £100 for parking on pavements, as the city joins Edinburgh and other parts of Scotland in enforcing a ban designed to protect pedestrians. It’s a long-overdue step forward for accessibility, ensuring that people using wheelchairs, pushing buggies, or simply walking are not forced into the road to navigate around poorly parked cars.

But in England, the issue of pavement parking continues to persist, despite numerous government consultations and widespread calls for action. London has banned pavement parking since 1974, but beyond the capital, progress has been patchy at best. While Scotland’s 2021 legislation empowered councils to take action, England remains mired in delays and indecision. The Department for Transport has conducted consultation after consultation, but meaningful change has yet to materialise.

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A pathway blocked

For pedestrians, pavement parking is not just an inconvenience; it’s a safety hazard. Vehicles blocking footpaths force vulnerable road users - from children to elderly people - to step into traffic. It creates danger for many and a serious barrier to mobility for those with disabilities.

The situation is compounded by unclear laws. In many parts of England, pavement parking is only illegal if a specific Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is in place, leaving enforcement inconsistent and often ineffective.

However, Highway Code rule 145 states "You must not drive on a pavement or footpath...". If anyone can explain to us how it's possible to  park on a pavement without first driving on it, please let us know.

excerpt from the Highway Code rule 145 - you must not drive on or over the pavement except to gain lawful entry to a property, or in the case of an emergency


Radical ideas: The Catclaw

The frustration caused by the lack of action led us to devise a fictitious yet provocative concept: the Catclaw. This imaginary device would puncture the tyres of any vehicle that mounts the pavement and is designed to shine a spotlight on the seriousness of the issue.

close-up of van wheel about to run over a catclaw
When a car or lorry drives over a CatClaw, its weight exposes a sharp steel tube that quickly punctures the tyre. However, it poses no threat to pedestrians - a person standing on top of the device would not be heavy enough to activate it.

Scotland leads the way

In contrast to England, Scotland’s ban on pavement parking is gaining momentum. Edinburgh began enforcing its rules in January 2024, and Glasgow followed suit with a phased introduction this month. The legislation is straightforward: any vehicle with one or more wheels on the pavement is in breach of the law. Exemptions are limited to emergency services, waste collection, and urgent deliveries.

Glasgow City Council has even created a map to help drivers understand where exemptions apply and where further assessments are needed. While initial enforcement involves warning notices to help motorists adjust, more than 200 drivers in Edinburgh faced fines within a week of the ban taking effect.

Scotland's approach proves that decisive action on pavement parking is possible.

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