Driverless car offers gardening on the move

January 6, 2017

rinspeed car with mobile garden|

The driverless car promises a future free of road danger, but while most will welcome an end to speeding, road rage and dangerously tired drivers, how best to sell the idea to those British motorists reluctant to take a back seat? Concept designers Rinspeed think they have the answer; Oasis is a driverless car that doubles up as a garden. A small plot beneath the windscreen features a removable planter big enough to raise a few vegetables or even a Bonsai tree.

car with garden

The unusual design seeks to counter the deeply ingrained notion that negotiating the urban jungle requires an SUV the size of a battle tank in the daily struggle for survival.

Complimenting the small garden plot and reinforcing the look and feel of a modern urban flat, the interior of the Oasis feature wooden floors, white walls, armchairs and a television.

Mirroring the move by workers towards a gig economy, the Oasis is willing to work for its supper. Questions over who will own the driverless car, who will operate it and what will it be used for have been left open by Rinspeed; the vehicle has been designed and equipped to keep all conceivable options open. If society is willing to share goods in a beneficial way, driverless technology enables the vehicle to be what you want, wherever and wherever you choose; a food delivery service in the morning, a shipping services counter for a parcel service in the afternoon, a pizza delivery vehicle at night.

And should you feel like taking back the wheel at any stage? Well that's ok too - as soon as the car decides you've passed its automatically administered fitness and alertness test.

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Information correct at time of publication.

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