Electric motorised shoes a step closer
January 10, 2012
Electric cars are touted as the personal transport of the future, but if American product designer Peter Treadway has his way many of us will be sporting SpnKiX motorised shoes
The project has already secured enough financial backing via start-up website kisckstarter.com to ensure production will begin next month. A pair of the motorised shoes can be ordered for £255.
Treadway says he was inspired to design the shoes after being unable to find a parking space at his local railway station and in a country where the default mode of transport is the car, he hopes that motorised roller skates that fit over any shoe will help make the link between different modes of public transport.
Cars for your feet
According to the shoe’s Los Angeles-based designer, Peter Treadway: “If every LA motorist switched to electric, we would still have the same number of automobiles on the road. This is not just an LA problem. The fact is, cars simply make it easier to be flexible in one’s travel plans. I noticed that many don’t use public transportation because it is just slightly difficult to do so. I figured that if people really enjoyed getting to and from the local train station, they might step up. (One can still drive a car while wearing them.) It would have to be convenient, because convenience is one of the major motivating factors for change.”
In reply to the accusation that powered shoes will make people lazy, Treadway says: spnKiX are closer to rollerblades than any “upright, stand-on” vehicle and will not make anyone lazy. People will be outside and more active than before with more speed and style. This is a range extender.”
Every cycle insurance policy from the ETA includes new-for-old replacement if your bike is stolen, cover for accidental damage (race events included), third party insurance (in the case of an accident you may need to seek compensation or even deal with a claim by someone else), personal accident cover and if you breakdown, we will even come out and recover you and your bike.
Information correct at time of publication.