Emissions stickers for driving in France

September 13, 2017

emissions stickers driving in France

All cars travelling in cities including Paris, Lyon or Grenobles are now required to carry anti-pollution stickers which indicate the age and 'environmental classification' of the vehicle.

The round stickers correspond to six different vehicle classes defined according to air pollutant emissions. In certain French cities the correct sticker must be displayed by every road vehicle, including all cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles, buses and coaches.

This law was introduced in France in early 2017 and also applies to foreign vehicles.


How do I apply for the emissions stickers?

You can apply for a sticker through the French Air Quality Certification Service online here. Be sure to apply in good time as the stickers can take around 30 days to arrive. They only cost a few pounds and will save you the risk of being hit with an on-the-spot fine of €68.

How do I know which emissions sticker to buy?

There's a useful tool to work out which sticker you need here.

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Driving to France?

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