How can we counter irrational objections to 15-min cities?

February 17, 2023

dutch family on bikes

Conspiracy theories are like a wild fires - once they build up enough heat it becomes near impossible to stop them. The increasingly outlandish objections to 15-minute city concept may have reached that point. The arguments against the placement of shops, parks, schools and doctors close enough to people's homes so they can easily walk or cycle have taken on a life of their own - ranging from the irrational to the delusional.

Oxford city council's proposal for 15-minute neighbourhoods aims to ensure that every resident has all the essentials within a 15-minute walk of their home has been interpreted by some as an assault on their freedom. Even when they live overseas. We watched footage from America of a man swearing blind that Oxford had erected barricades to imprison residents within their 15-minute district.

When liveable towns are so obviously improve quality of life, how best to counter irrational arguments?

Winning hearts and minds

Chris Boardman is an exceptional ambassador for active travel. He's now National Active Travel Commissioner, but when we caught up with him a few years back he was helping Manchester transform into one of the greenest in Europe. Boardman was helping plan and build a huge network of connected cycleways, but it's when when he presents the case for active travel to the unconverted that he impresses the most. We think no-nonsense explanations of initiatives such as 15-minute cities by the likes of Boardman can help convince even the harshest critics.

15-minute cities not only improve quality of life, by reducing reliance on cars they can drastically reduce road harm. If you're in any doubt about how important a benefit that it, watch our documentary about road danger.

Stop Killing our Children examines how road danger damages us all, whatever our age and however we travel, and questions our collective blindness to both its cause and remedy.The 40-minute, crowdfunded film is narrated by the BBC’s John Simpson and features interviews with Chris Boardman, Dr Rachel Aldred, Dr Ian Walker, George Monbiot and the founders of the Stop de Kindermoord movement among others.

If you're alarmed by the prospect of the place you live becoming a 15-minute neighbourhood, watch this short video of a street being transformed into a bike-priority area

The ethical choice

The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green, reliable travel services. Over 30 years on, we continue to offer cycle insurance , breakdown cover and mobility scooter insurance while putting concern for the environment at the heart of all we do.

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