How do we kill each other in Britain?

February 21, 2019

seriously damaged car following road traffic collision|road danger by vehicle type|HGV

Talk about road fatalities centres almost exclusively about numbers killed. It's a narrative that masks not only the misery caused by each death, but details about who is doing the killing.

1,793 people were killed on Britain's roads in 2017. But what about if we put that statistic to one side and focussed on which vehicles are involved most frequently in the crashes that injure and kill? It's an approach that's out of line with current road safety lobby doctrine, based as it is on victim blaming, but it might go some way to reducing the risk to vulnerable road users.

road danger by vehicle type

The graphic above is by SWOV, the Dutch institute for road safety research and details the relative risk posed by a variety of modes of travel; from walking up to HGVs. It highlights the inequality on the road. More important that recognising that the vulnerable road users on the graph that come off worst is to ask what makes them vulnerable in the first place.

Here in Britain we trail far behind the Netherlands in our provision for cyclists and pedestrians. We have yet to recognise road crime as real crime. And while we are aware of the disproportionately high risk posed by HGVs, their drivers are subject to the same apathetic road law.

Only this week, the driver of an articulated lorry in London - who already had 6 penalty points on his licence - was convicted of using a mobile phone behind the wheel and awarded another 6 points. However, he escaped an automatic ban by pleading exceptional hardship. In so doing, he joins the 10,000+ British motorists who continue to drive legally with 12 or more penalty points. One driver accrued 62 penalty points without having a ban imposed by magistrates.


Until we focus on who is doing on who is killing whom, and why, road danger will continue to increase.

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Information correct at time of publication.

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