Less caravan, more pocket house

June 12, 2013

hand-crafted wooden caravan|hand-built pocket house caravan interior|pocket house caravan at night

We British have a love/hate relationship with the caravan. Even those who hate them, love to hate them. It’s not altogether clear why caravans polarize opinion in this way, but their image problem isn't helped by anodyne styling and paint schemes.

Might it help if they looked less like toasters and more like a log cabin? If they were built from reclaimed materials to create the effect of a ‘pocket house’.
Designer builder Aaron Maret describes his tiny house as a playful experiment in alternative construction and living.

pocket house caravan

According to Aaron, who has spent more than a year living in the ‘Pocket House’ caravan with his partner and young son:

Learning how to build this small is a challenge. But it’s child’s play compared to learning how to live small. It took every bit as long to pare down enough to fit reasonably into such a small space as it did to build it. Going through round after round of downsizing, purging, and otherwise shedding whatever is unnecessary took determination and mental and emotional stamina. And it’s been totally worth it. Having only what’s essential (by relatively affluent western standards) frees up a lot of clutter, expense, maintenance and energetic baggage.

pocket house caravan inside

The caravan is now for sale for $64,000.

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pocket house at night


Information correct at time of publication.

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