Micro adventure that fits inside a backpack

February 7, 2017


You don't need to fly to the other side of the planet to undertake an expedition; The Hold-Up Paddle is an inflatable paddle board and tent that packs into a backpack.

Once its fins have been removed, the paddle board becomes a mattress over which you can erect a specially designed tent. In the morning you need only fold up the tent and sleeping bag and place them in the dry bag before continuing on your way.

micro adventure

The Hold-Up Paddle is perfect for a micro adventure - a term that refers to an experience that is close to home, cheap, and rewarding, which was coined by explorer Alistair Humphreys. More information about the Hold-Up Paddle board at holduppaddle.com

Adventure is stretching yourself; mentally, physically or culturally. One example of a micro adventure is a '5 to 9', which typically involves leaving your desk job at 5 pm, hopping on a train to the countryside, enjoying a meal and a pint in a pub, and then experiencing a night of wild camping before rising with the sun and returning to your desk for 9 am.

wearable tent for micro adventure

Micro adventures rely on carrying the minimum amount of gear – why take a tent if you can get away with stringing up a groundsheet or using a JakPak - the world’s first all-in-one waterproof, tent and sleeping bag?


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