Mogo: A caravan to haul bicycles
January 29, 2015

The Mogo is an ultra-light caravan that sleeps two and yet is small enough to squeeze into a single garage. Its really clever trick, however, is the way it doubles up as a cargo trailer for bikes, surfboards or kayaks.
Aimed at 'active glamping', the tiny caravan promises a good night's sleep after a day of sporting activities using your own gear.
The £7,000 Mogo weighs only 350 kg, boasts a payload of 400 kg and is available in any colour.

Breakdown cover from the ETA includes trailer and caravan cover as standard.
Caravans towed by bicycles
The Mogo is designed to be towed behind a car, quad or motorcycle. it is barely larger than some of the bicycle carvans on the market, such as the upcycled TAKU-TANKU.

The tiny travelling house is an eco-friendly design built with off-the-shelf and discarded materials. The superstructure comprises two 3,000-litre plastic water tanks connected by a ring of wood that frames the entrance. The TAKU-TANKU home joins an ever-growing group of bicycle caravans that can be towed by bike including the Foldavan and QTvan.

Explore the TAKU-TANKU website
Our very own take on the bicycle caravan, the QTvan, has the Guinness World Record for smallest caravan and has makes the odd appearance on television.

We designed and built the tiny QTvan as a light-hearted demonstration of how bicycles are extremely capable load carriers. Here in Britain, cyclists appear reluctant to fit panniers, opting instead for rucksacks, but elsewhere in the world, bicycles are routinely used to carry and tow heavy cargo.
Travelling abroad with your bicycle
Cycle insurance from the ETA inlcudes everything you woud expect from a fully comprehensive policy such as theft and accidental damage plus many other benefits. For example, every policy inlcudes 90 days in Europe and 60 days worldwide and will include damage caused by airlines while the bike is in transit. Find out more about travelling with your bicycle or get an instant quote.
Information correct at time of publication.