Pinch point danger: What single piece of road design does most to put people off cycling?

February 17, 2022

pinch point

What single piece of road design does most to put people off cycling? For us, it might be the traffic island pinch point.

The problem with the traffic island (also known as a pedestrian refuge or 'Death Island'!) for cyclists is that faced with a bicycle ahead of them, many drivers will race ahead to squeeze through the small gap creating a dangerous situation for the cyclist. Cycle training teaches riders to think ahead in these situations and ride in the middle of the lane - a technique which requires experience, skill and bravery when traffic speeds are high.

In practice, refuge islands are second best for both cyclists and pedestrians. They are car-oriented infrastructure as they encourage pedestrians to wait their turn. Either too few vehicles use a stretch of road to warrant a crossing or there's enough traffic to mean pedestrians need help and a zebra or puffin should be installed.

What single piece of road design do you think does most to put people off cycling?

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What single piece of road design does most to put people off cycling?

For us, it might be the traffic island pinch point...

— ETA Services Ltd (@ETAservicesltd) February 16, 2022

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