Putting the skin back into cycling skinsuits

April 3, 2014

swimming costume design skin suits for cycling|Bikini skinsuit rear

If you baulk at the idea of sporting a conventional Lycra skinsuit while cycling, you're unlikely to be in the market for a design that is even more revealing, but it may be that these new swimwear-themed versions will keep you safer on the road.

swimwear skin suits for cycling


Women cyclists given wider berth on the road

Bikini skinsuit rear

Research carried out by Bath University revealed that drivers leave a much wider berth when passing a female rider with long hair. Traffic psychologist, Dr Ian Walker donned a long wig to see whether there was any difference in passing distance when drivers thought they were overtaking what appeared to be a woman on a bicycle. When wearing the wig, drivers gave him an average of 14 centimetres more space when passing. Wearing the bikini version of the skinsuit above is likely to get the same reaction.

The £100 skinsuit features 'endurance fabric' and a conveniently located zip along with a promise that "if you're generally happy with your training progress but feel that a few cat calls are the only thing missing from your rides, slipping into this skinsuit is guaranteed to bring some attention your way."

Fully-comp cycle insurance

Cycle insurance from the ETA includes, amongst other things, new-for-old, accidental damage (including when race events and triathlon), £5m third party, personal accident, and Cycle Breakdown.

Information correct at time of publication.

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