Skarper launches sleek retrofit e-bike motor

August 12, 2022

skarper e-bike

There's nothing new about the concept of retrofit electric motors for bicycles, but the soon-to-be-launched Skarper is sleek-looking and novel take on the idea.

An easily-detachable unit houses both the motor and battery that drives the rear wheel via a special rear disk brake, which allows the direct connection of a Skarper motor drive unit whenever desired. When not electrically driven, the disk behaves normally as a brake.

Most conversion kits available currently weigh in at 10-15kg and require a toolbox and some skills in electronics and mechanics to install them, but according to its makers, Skarper provides an ultralight, clip-on drive system that avoids the many limitations of existing e-Bike drive systems. Weighing a total of 3.3 kg, the unit delivers an estimated range of up to 20km on a 30-minute charge. Skarper have said prices are from £1,000.

E-bikes: A growing market

The price, range and practicality of electric bicycles makes them the most viable option for those wanting the benefits of a battery-powered vehicle today, so it’s perhaps unsurprising that the market is already worth billions a year and forecast to grow. And yet sales of electric bicycles in Britain lag behind our European neighbours.

In recent decades here in Britain, we've overlooked bicycles best suited to ‘utility cycling’ in favour of beautifully-styled racing and off-road designs - even cyclists who might benefit from the occasional push from an electric motor are likely to be reluctant to swap their sleek hybrid, road bike or MTB for an electric model that is heavier and more cumbersome. A well-designed lightweight occasional electric motor like the Skarper may find a ready market.

While there's no word yet on a launch date, you can join Skarper's email list here

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Information correct at time of publication.

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