Tall bikes can save the world

March 1, 2019

tall bikes

Roads have a social hierarchy of their own. Generally speaking, the bigger the vehicle the more entitled the attitude of the driver - an anti-social and potentially deadly hierarchy that puts vulnerable road users at greatest risk. This inequality is part of the inspiration for tall bikes - and there is none more lofty than this five-metre-tall example.

stoopidtall bike

Richie Trimball created STOOPIDTALL to make an attempt on the Guinness World Record for the world tallest bike. It was built in 12 hours from a Huffy beach cruiser, a bunch of steel tubing and 32ft of chain. Richie said of the bike build: “To bend the pipe I used an upside down shopping cart and a split log. Ghetto, I know, but hey – it works.”


In the late 19th-century, street lamps were lit by the rider of a tall bicycle - the rider would lean against the lamp post, light the lamp, and ride to the next one. Upon completing the circuit of lamps, an assistant would help the rider dismount. Tall bike enthusiasts continue to this day, usually riding machines they have built themselves.

Proponents argue that the elevated riding position offers not only a better view of the road ahead but helps ensure they are visible to driver


ETA cycle insurance

Ethical cycle insurance

On the face of it, one cycle insurance policy is much like another, but the devil is the detail. How much excess you will be charged is just one of the things that varies wildly between providers. Another is so called ‘new-for-old’ replacement – many insurers use this term, but if your bicycle is more than a few years old, devalue it severely. This means you are left out of pocket when you come to replace it.

With ETA cycle insurance, however old the bike, if it’s stolen you get enough to buy a new model.

For over 29 years we have been providing this kind of straightforward, affordable bicycle insurance. Little wonder The Good Shopping Guide judges us to be ethical.


Information correct at time of publication.

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