The future is here: Automated taxi drone now carries passengers

February 6, 2018

Ehang flying drone car

If you can use a satnav, you are already fully qualified to take to the skies aboard the world's first fully-automated, passenger-carrying taxi drone.

The EHANG 184 Autonomous Aerial Vehicle this week achieved a series of manned flight tests carrying one and two passengers, including the company's chief executive. The internet is awash with fanciful personal flying machines. However, most are little more than concepts. Very few are seen flying with passengers - let alone at altitude or in demanding conditions.

The Ehang 184 flying drone can carry twp passengers, boasts a maximum flight time of 23 minutes (following a one-hour charge), a top speed of 60 mph and a maximum altitude of 11,000 ft. Passenger need no flying experience as the drone is fully automated, but can take the controls if they desire.


Controlling the single seat, eight-rotor fully-automated drone involves using a touch screen no more complicated than a sat nav. The passenger chooses a destination and the drone does the rest. Other controls allow the drone either hovers or land immediately.

flying car drone

Is the Ehang 184 a flying car?

It may have no wheels, but in spirit, the Ehang 184 is every inch a flying car - a small, fully-automated personal aircraft and can take off and land vertically from a tiny parcel of land.

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Information correct at time of publication.

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