The solar-powered electric car you don't need a licence to drive

January 26, 2023

the squad ev has solar panels that recharge its battery|

The golf cart looks might not be to everyone's tastes, but how do you like the idea of free recharging and a £6,500 price tag?

The Squad has solar panels on its roof and is so light and efficient that even in northern European countries like the UK, the sun gives enough energy for 12 km of driving per day. This is more than adequate for average urban use. After all, 25 per cent of all car trips here are under 1 mile - 71% are under 5 miles.

The solar panel works in any light, including shade, and on a sunny day in Europe can charge up to 20 km. However, the really clever bit is that when extra range is needed, there's no need to panic about finding a charging point. The batteries are small and light enough t0 be removed from the car and charged directly from a normal household power socket.

Other selling points include L6 categorisation which means you don't need a driving licence to get behind the wheel of the Squad. And while the car might be small and light, it's built around a robust roll cage for added safety.

Perpendicular parking

Perhaps of even more interest to city dwellers will be the Squad's ability to squeeze between cars to park end on - its tyres against the kerb.

squad ev parked at right angle to curb

With a length of only 2 meters, the Squad can be parked very efficiently perpendicular on an average parking spot, with the tyres against the curb. While the average car has a footprint of around 10 m2, a Squad occupies less than a quarter of that space.

Despite all its qualities, many drivers here in the UK will baulk at the idea of owning this little EV. However, the Squad even has an answer to that. It's been conceived specifically for sharing and MaaS ( Mobility as a Service ) platforms so it could be coming to town near you sooner than you think.

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