Wearable seats for rail commuters

February 1, 2016

archelis wearable seat|archelis wearable seats|the anatomy of wearable seats

New wearable seats that allow surgeons to rest comfortably while standing for long periods could be just the thing for rail commuters during the rush hour.

The Archelis is a lightweight brace that fits over trousers. It can be locked in position to allow the wearer to rest while standing.

Rail passengers in the south east routinely stand during their journey to work, and it's easy to see why. Taking London Waterloo as an example, the station already is at full capacity serving 100 million passengers per year. So while the Archelis wearable seat is aimed squarely at doctors, with rail journeys expected to increase by 50% in the next 10 years, something similar may become standard equipment for the daily grind.

archelis wearable seats


Having no choice but to stand on a crowded commuter train takes its toll on the average passenger. According to a study of more than 21,000 adults, workers who travel by car or public transport suffer higher levels of stress and tiredness than those who cycle or walk.

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden found that car and public transport users felt that they struggled with their health compared to active commuters.

The outcomes studied were perceived poor sleep quality, everyday stress, low vitality, mental health, self-reported health, and absence from work due to sickness during the past 12 months. British workers each take an average of 6.5 sick day per year.

The report found that the car drivers with a journey of between 30 minutes and an hour suffered the most stress and the detrimental effect on health from using public transport increased with journey time.

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Information correct at time of publication.

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