Win a Camelpak for this summer's cycling

June 16, 2017

camelpak hydration system

With temperatures this weekend predicted to soar, there’s greater need than ever to stay well hydrated on your bike. A Camelpak is a comfortable way to carry a useful amount of drink, and if you fill it with cold water, it acts like a cooling system for your back.

On an intensive ride, you need to drink about 1 litre of water every hour and it’s best taken little and often. If you are on a particularly long or competitive ride, you may want to add an energy drink to the water.

Win a Camelpak

The Camelbak Hydrobak holds a useful 1.5 litres of your favourite drink. If you could fill yours with anything, what would it be? Let us know at the bottom of this page and one lucky person will win their own Camelpak.

Driving to Europe this summer?

The effect of dehydration has been shown to be equivalent to drinking and driving - a problem exacerbated by long motorway journeys in a hot country.



Researchers found that mild hypo hydration increased driver errors during a prolonged, monotonous driving task. The effect on the motorists tested by Loughborough University was equivalent to driving at the drink drive limit (blood alcohol content of approximately 0.08 per cent) or while sleep deprived.

Studies were first carried out on men, who drank 200 ml of water every hour. On the dehydration test day, the same subjects consumed only 25 ml per hour – the equivalent of four sips. When dehydrated, the drivers were more likely to drift, brake late, and touch the rumble strip.

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