
Winter cycling 1915-2015

November 6, 2015

The pioneer adventure cyclists of the 1890s who took to the snowy wilds of northern Canada without the benefit of modern clothing and 80 years before the advent of mountain bikes knew a thing or two about cycling in the extreme cold. The Great Gold Rush drew 100,000 prospectors to the Klondike region of the Yukon in north-western Canada...


Ethical cycle clothing: Win a Route cycling cap

November 6, 2015

Ethical cycle clothing is perfectly in keeping with a pursuit that is environmentally benign. Route is an ethical cycle wear label based in Scotland helping to keep the cycling cap alive. Their caps are handmade in Glasgow using Harris Tweed, bamboo silk and organic fair trade cotton. We're fans of the company's free ‘repair or replace’...


BikeVault: 21st century bicycle security

October 30, 2015

BikeVault is 21st century bicycle security; an app-enabled Boris Bike-style docking system that allows you to set off for the shops without a heavy lock. BikeVault offers vastly superior security to portable locks. Once you’ve downloaded the free app to locate your nearest space, you nsert your bicycle between two towers and scan your free...


Honda Cub: 87 million motorcyclists can't be wrong

October 27, 2015

The Honda Super Cub is a small lightweight motorcycle that has sold in huge numbers since its launch in 1958. It surpassed 87 million last year making it the most produced motor vehicle in history. Honda has now unveiled the EV-Cub Concept a the next chapter in this incredible journey. The secret of the Cub's success is its simplicity; a...


Halloween bicycle - walking dead, cycling survivors

October 26, 2015

Should the zombie apocalypse kick off this Halloween, the only way to travel will be by bicycle. The qualities that make bikes such a civilized way of commuting or popping to the shops, also make them perfectly suited to avoiding zombies; they don't rely on oil or roads, carry a good payload and are so quiet they do not attract attention...


Aura Belt: Flashing clothing for cyclists

October 23, 2015

The Aura Belt is the perfect way to mark the end of British Summer Time this weekend (25 October). The Aura is a nylon webbing belt with a flexible LED and fibre optic lighting system embedded within. It can be set to emit a constant glow, slow pulse or a strobing flash. An...


Bicycle trailers: Tow. Float. Sleep.

October 21, 2015

RCA graduate Daniel Durnin built the amphibious vessel as way of taking a sustainable micro break without venturing too far afield. “an escape from the stresses of city life, the Water Bed encourages users to find temporary respite in and reconnect with the city’s existing waterways and wildlife.” The Water Bed is constructed from marine...


The tricks cycle thieves don't want you to know

October 16, 2015

Cycle route tracker apps linked to theft of high-value bikes Apps such as MapMyRide, Strava and Endomondo allow cyclists to post details of their routes to Facebook. Police are reporting an increase in thefts of expensive bikes from sheds, where no surrounding houses have been targeted. Our advice: safeguard...


Eurostar charges for bicycles

October 15, 2015

In order to conform to the new restrictions, both bicycle wheels need to be removed. If that wasn't hassle enough, with a bike bag it's a good idea to protect vulnerable components with something like cardboard; a rigmarole that needs repeating on the return journey. Eurostar charges for bicycles Eurostar charges for bicycles remain...


Airliners with see-through fuselages

October 14, 2015

Airliners with transparent fuselages The Centre for Process Innovation believes that by removing windows, the fuselage can be made significantly thinner, thereby reducing weight and improving fuel efficiency: "Imagine a cabin where the windows are display screens, relaying a choice of views from around the aircraft. If you’re not sitting in...

Air Travel