
Raht Racer: If Tony Stark built bicycles

February 26, 2015

If you have faced a tortuous hill and wished for superhuman powers, consider the Raht Racer; an electrically-assisted pedal trike that can speed you along at 70 mph without breaking a sweat. [quote type="cycle_insurance"] The Raht Racer uses a flywheel generator to convert pedal power into electrical energy. You pedal as you would a...


Wind turbine trees

February 26, 2015

Wind turbines are divisive with many projects souring relationships within and between communities long before any construction starts. French engineers believe the answer may lie in wind turbine trees – designs that aim to be smaller and easier on the eye. The 12m-tall tree structures have 72 vertical turbine leaves that rotate quietly to...

General News

British drivers most likely to claim for whiplash

February 26, 2015

British drivers make more claims for whiplash per car collision than any other western European country, according to research this month. Almost 80% of road traffic collisions where one driver admits liability will lead to a claim whiplash claim compared to 35 per cent in the Netherlands and 30 per cent in France found the report by LV....


Dog to cycle around Britain

February 20, 2015

With more than a little help from his owner, Maggie Scorer, a golden retriever called Oscar will next month embark on a 5,000-mile cycle trip around Britain. Comfortably seated in a Dutch-designed DoggieRide trailer attached to the back of Maggie's bike, the duo will be unsupported during the trip, although they will benefit from Cycle...


Self-defence for cyclists

February 20, 2015

Cyclists have always faced hostile conditions on the road. According to an article in Pearson magazine over 100 years ago: 'the cyclist who is a skillful rider, who possesses pluck and dash, who has mastered the elementary rules of defence on a bicycle, and who is armed with a knowledge of how to use a machine to the best advantage as a...


Buckle me up: Seat belt safety alert for children

February 20, 2015

It will come as no surprise to parents that children can be over 10 times more distracting to a driver than talking on a mobile at the wheel. A new car accessory called buckle me up aims to reduce this effect by letting drivers know if their young passengers have undone their seat belts. Buckle me up is designed for children who are in...


The world's smallest car and caravan combo

February 19, 2015

The world's smallest car and caravan combo has been launched by Honda at the Japan Camping Car Show 2015. The car doing the towing is a tiny Honda N-Truck and the caravan is the new N-Camp. The N-Truck is referred to in Japan as a ‘Kei car’; a vehicle restricted in size, engine displacement and power in order to bypass tax and...


Stylish and sustainable cycle storage

February 19, 2015

If you want to freshen up your front garden or shed this spring while at the same time adding some gold-standard bike security, look no further than Velotrove - a British company that offers stylish and sustainable cycle storage design. [quote type="cycle_insurance"] The Veloplanter is a timber and recycled plastic design that allows the...


A flying car for £2,750

February 18, 2015

While It’s not what futurists of the 1950s had in mind when they imagined flying cars we would all be driving by now, the four-seater aero car special that sold on eBay last week for £2,750 certainly looks like it could take to the skies. The aero car special is based on a decommissioned Beechcraft B55 light aircraft and Daihatsu Hijet...

Air Travel

Nissan Leaf: A glow-in-the-dark electric car

February 12, 2015

Amid concerns that the silence of electric cars makes them a danger to pedestrians, a risk compounded at night, Nissan has used a paint created for phosphorescent cycle paths, to produce a glow-in-the-dark Leaf electric car. The ethical choice The ETA was established in 1990 as an ethical provider of green,...
