
CO2 emissions from cycling revealed

December 13, 2011

A study by the European Cyclists Federation (ECF) that compares the CO2 produced by cycling with other modes of transport concludes that Europe could reduce its overall emissions by one quarter if its population cycled as regularly as the Danes. According to the report cycling is responsible for CO2 emissions of 21g per km. The calculations...

General News

How green is skiing?

December 9, 2011

How green is skiing? Given how little snow has fallen so far this year in Europe, the glib answer might be ‘very, I can see the grass through the slush’, but questions over the environmental impact of travel are being forced upon those in search of powdered slopes. The nuclear-powered Eurostar makes getting the snow train a low-carbon way...

General News

iPhone 4 bicycle helmet cam

December 9, 2011

Small, lightweight video cameras are now so cheap they are becoming increasingly popular among urban cyclists. The footage they record can prove helpful in the event of a road traffic collision, but what if you could use your iPhone instead? There is no external camera accessory for the iPhone that allows it to record from the safety in...

General News

Easy protection from volcanic ash threat

December 8, 2011

Budget airline Easyjet has developed a device that it claims will enable pilots to avoid dangerous ash clouds of the kind that grounded over 100,000 aircraft last year when the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland erupted. The grounding of the aircraft left ten million people stranded, a perecentage of whom found themselves out of pocket...

General News

Pedal-powered iPad for winter cyclists

December 7, 2011

To mark a ‘cycling season’ this year over a month longer than usual due to mild weather, the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) is giving away an iPad adapted to be powered by cyclists on the move. The iPad is powered by a dynamo designed to charge the device safely no matter how fast the bicycle is travelling. A spokesperson for the...

General News

The fashion for town bicycles

December 7, 2011

If you ever sit in traffic jams and daydream about cutting gracefully and effortlessly through the cityscape, then stop off at Bobbin Bicycles, one of an increasing number of outlets specializing in practical and stylish town bikes. Online bicycle retailer launched last year to capitalise on the demand for “Dutch-style”...

General News

Victoria Pendleton effect boosts women’s cycling

November 30, 2011

An amateur cycling club with an ethos based as much on encouraging participation by women as performing well in races reports a huge increase in the sport driven by the success of Olympic champion Victoria Pendleton. Team Mule Bar Girls regularly meets at Herne Hill velodrome and run sessions on the track for novices. Mule Bar girls...

General News

Wireless charging for electric cars and bicycles

November 30, 2011

Mayor Boris Johnson has often referred to his hopes of London becoming the ‘electric car capital of Europe’ and now plans are underway for a network of wireless charging points for electric cars and bicycles. Four electric cars owned by Transport for London have been adapted so that they can be re0charged by parking over an electric charge...

General News

Toyota car is a virtual garden for the urban jungle

November 29, 2011

Most people know that cars and lorries are responsible for exhaust gases, particulates, noise pollution and road danger, but how many of us consider the damage to the visual environment caused by the endless rows of parked vehicles that line our streets? The latest concept design from Toyota is the car giant’s own take on the problem. At...

General News

Police use nets to catch speeding motorcyclists

November 29, 2011

Traffic police in Thanh Hoa city, Vietnam, have resorted to a novel, if extreme, way of tackling speeding motorcyclists, according to reports If a rider fails to stop, the police hurl a fishing net wrapped around a brick to bring the bike to a stop. According to, police officers and 150 ‘night watchmen’ in the city are using...

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