
Ten money-saving tips for winter cycling

October 26, 2011

If you are a cyclist for whom the end of British Summer Time at 2.00am on Sunday 30th October signals a new season of cycling, rather than two-wheeled hibernation, how do you equip yourself for the winter months ahead without being fleeced? Cycling in winter brings its owns challenges, but according to the marketing blurb put out at this...

General News

National Planning Policy ‘flawed’

October 25, 2011

The Environmental Transport Association (ETA) believes that the draft National Planning Policy Framework report (NPPF), born as it is in the depths of economic uncertainty, is flawed because of the British government’s erroneous belief that current planning law is preventing the people of England from achieving wealth and happiness. The ETA...

General News

Pedestrians produce power from pavements

October 21, 2011

Tweet A new type of paving stone that generates electricity when it is walked upon will leave pedestrians marginally more weary after a day of Christmas shopping, but promises environmentally-friendly street lighting in return. Pavegen paving stones work by taking a little of the kinetic energy from a footstep and converting it into...

General News

Next generation bicycle helmet cam delivers 360-degree aerial footage

October 21, 2011

A new type of spherical digital camera that produces aerial 360-degree pictures heralds a new generation of bicycle helmet cameras, according to the Environmental Transport Association (ETA). Helmet cams are used by an increasing number of cyclists so they can rely on video evidence in the event of a road traffic collision. The flaw with...

General News

Scots offered cut-price green driving lessons

October 20, 2011

Cash-strapped motorists are being offered cut-price green driving lessons that can save up to £300 a year on fuel. In an effort to encourage drivers to follow 10 top Fuel Efficient Driving (FED) techniques, the Energy Saving Trust is providing training sessions to Scottish motorists for only £12 for a 50-minute session with an approved...

General News

DeLorean electric car: Where we’re going we won’t need petrol

October 20, 2011

When a charity auction in America later this year offers for sale the original hover board and time-travelling DeLorean car from the film Back to the Future part II, engineer Dave Delman will already be behind the wheel of his own futuristic version of the iconic sports car. The film featured a DeLorean time machine fitted with a ‘flux...

General News

The folding bicycle designed for Routemaster buses

October 19, 2011

A folding electric bicycle that was designed to work in tandem with a new generation of Routemaster bus may yet give big brands like Dahon and Brompton a run for their money. The competition to re-design the Routemaster may have closed, but Gabriel Wartofsky’s e-bike can be used in tandem with any type of bus. The idea enables...

General News

Modular design is three bicycles in one

October 13, 2011

The Modus is an open-frame bicycle designed to receive a variety of clipped-in, purpose-built accessories including ‘a sleek briefcase for your everyday commute, a boom box for tunes while you ride, a lock or a battery pack to drive the bike in electric mode’. The design is a product of Quirky, a social site dedicated to developing...

General News

Steel yourself for puncture-proof bicycle tyres

October 13, 2011

The industrial designer, artist and architect, Ron Arad has re-interpreted the bicycle wheel in his medium of choice, steel. The wheels are made from ribbons of stainless steel that have been looped and stapled together in an elegant flower petal design. The bike is on show at W Hotel in Leicester Square, until 29th of October when...

General News

Branson backs new British biofuel

October 12, 2011

Richard Branson has backed a new process devised by a British biochemist that ferments the carbon monoxide from steel mills to produce low-carbon jet fuel. The smoke stacks at steel and aluminium mills and coal-powered power stations produce millions of tons of carbon monoxide, which the new process passes through a mixture of water and a...

General News