
Biodiesel for buses is just the ticket

June 15, 2010

Clare Taylor Green Transport Correspondent A bus company based in the West Country is using waste cooking oil to run its buses in order to reduce its carbon emissions. The Chipper Bus Project was unveiled in May 2009 and has enabled First Bus to reduce their carbon emissions by 22,500kg, the approximate equivalent of taking 45 cars off the...

General News

Car Junkie Detox | Weekends with no motor

June 14, 2010

Saturday I never usually use my car much on a Saturday, living right in the town centre I can do most things I need to do on foot. I went out for lunch with a friend and his baby – We went in his car which we would have done anyway as he had his child seat in the back. In the evening I went to a BBQ which was about 20 minutes walk...

General News

The world’s greenest and most stealthy electric car

June 11, 2010

American artist, Justin Shull has built an electric vehicle from recycled trees that overcomes many of the problems faced by car drivers today. Virtually indistinguishable from a well-trimmed privet hedge, the Terrestrial Shrub Rover is inconspicuous so could, in theory, be parked with impunity on any area of grass. The electric-powered...

General News

Men drive less to save money, but women will not slow down

June 11, 2010

Six in ten men would drive less in order to reduce their motoring costs, but less than half of women would be prepared to do the same, according to a poll of British drivers carried out by the Environmental Transport Association (ETA). The same survey revealed that 45 per cent of men would drive more slowly to use less fuel, but only 37 per...

General News

Car Junkie Detox | Beautiful shoes vs. public transport

June 10, 2010

Today was by far the worse day of my challenge so far. I had a very busy work schedule and had also agreed to baby sit in the evening. In the morning I had a meeting in London, it wasn’t till 10.30 so I got up early worked from home for a few hours then got the train to London from Guildford. The meeting was rather important and at the...

General News

£1.3m for 'Greenways' walking and cycling scheme

June 10, 2010

Laura Walkinshaw Green Transport Correspondent Transport for London and the Mayor, Boris Johnson, are investing £1.3m in a new ‘Greenways’ scheme in the capital. Under the scheme, Londoners will see more foot and bicycle paths being funded in an attempt to fulfil the Mayor’s vision of an environmentally friendly city where people can ride...

General News

Car Junkie Detox | Getting in the swing of things!

June 9, 2010

Today I did I bit better and survived the whole day without relying on any lifts (I know, I know – not THAT great an accompishment) . I got the train into work, which took the usual hour door to door (including stopping on the way for coffee). I did a morning in the office, then had an afternoon meeting in London, I had to leave the office...

General News

Car Junkie Detox | Monday blues

June 7, 2010

I’m not really a morning person and my dislike of mornings is intensified on Mondays, so running late I got a lift in from a friend, but this time paid them £5 petrol money – and promised it would be the last time I’d ask! I also got a lift home from work as there was someone going my way – some people have accused me of ‘cheating’ by...

General News

Radical electric car does 250 miles on single charge

June 4, 2010

A team of students from Imperial College has driven an electric car around the M25 twice on a single charge. The modified Radical SR8 ZERO car took to the road in the early hours of Friday morning to avoid congestion and completed 250 miles without needing to be recharged. The Racing Green Endurance (RGE) car will later this summer attempt...

General News

Giant two-wheeled SUV: The penny farthing bicycle with tractor tyres

June 3, 2010

It’s big, difficult to manoeuvre and at £500 for a tyre change, expensive to maintain, but what is good for the urban SUV driver must be good for the cyclist wanting to make an impression in the city. The rider of a penny farthing may enjoy an elevated view, but just as with 4×4 cars, the high centre of gravity can result in the machine...

General News