
Police report surge in helmet cam evidence

February 15, 2023

In the absence of a systematic approach to road danger reduction, dash cam and helmet cam footage is the most powerful tool in the fight against dangerous drivers. And as more police forces launch online portals that allow video evidence to be uploaded, more road users are investing in cameras. While you might expect the number of dash and...


Road harm affects us all - why's the issue such a hot potato?

February 14, 2023

A chief inspector in Police Scotland says those of us who like to walk should wear high-vis to avoid being run over by drivers. Ch Insp Lorraine Napier explained that, following a spate of collisions, pedestrians should do all they can to be visible. Why is road road harm reduction a hot potato that always seems to be someone else's...


Win a mystery box packed with cycling goodies

February 10, 2023

February can feel like a seasonal no-man's land, marooned as it is between New Year and springtime, so to bring a little excitement we're giving away another mystery box full of cycling goodies. Once again the box will be bursting with bicycle bounty worth at least £100. Obviously we won't be listing the contents now, but here's what the...


The bicycle: A mobility aid for all

February 9, 2023

A simple design that's remained largely unchanged for 100 years, the humble bicycle enjoys near-universal appeal. Ridden and relied upon by both young and old, rich and poor and across all four corners of the earth, cycling delivers the freedom so often falsely promised in car ads. Less well known is cycling's role as a mobility aid for...


Cycling Stockholm syndrome: Are we all hostage to car culture?

February 9, 2023

Proclamations on social media kicking off with the words "I'm a cyclist myself, but..." almost always follow with proof the author is nothing of the sort. Our fault for spending time on Twitter you might say, but one particular thread this week got us thinking about a phenomenon we're going to christen cycling Stockholm syndrome. We suggest...


Your cycle insurance claim is in safe hands

February 8, 2023

We know from personal experience how gut-wrenching it is to have a bicycle stolen. It's the reason we've made our cycle insurance claims process as hassle-free as possible. We think it's a fundamental part of being an ethical insurance provider, but above all, we want you back on two wheels as soon as possible.


Cargo e-scooters: The next big thing in micro mobility?

February 7, 2023

After we'd watched video of a man using an e-scooter to transport a fridge (and stopped laughing) we realised we'd perhaps stumbled across the next big thing in micro mobility. Don't get us wrong, we'd rather see towns and cities full of cyclists and cargo bikes, but we don't agree with fevered reports in the national press framing...


The war on bike thieves

February 3, 2023

Bike thieves look forward to the start of the cycling season just as much as you do. While it's true that bicycles get stolen year-round, as more riders get back in the saddle a greater number of thieves reach for their bolt cutters and cordless angle grinders. In the war on bike thieves, your most potent weapon is cycle insurance. Our own...


What is 'car brain' and why does it block safer roads?

February 2, 2023

Car brain' is how Dr Ian Walker describes the cultural blind spot that makes people apply double standards when they think about driving. In his latest study, he demonstrates how motornomativity is real, measurable and pervasive. We've been listening to a fascinating podcast about our unconscious bias in favour of cars, and how those...


Stick to pricey vacuum cleaners, Dyson

February 1, 2023

It's a widely-held fallacy that our every problem can be solved if only we wait for the technological solution that's around the corner. Take electric cars. Sure, they help reduce local air pollution and our reliance on oil, but the zeal for EVs overlooks their inability to address congestion, road harm, carcinogenic tyre and brake dust, as...

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