
Get cycling to improve nation's health, urges Sir Chris Whitty

March 28, 2022

The government’s chief medical officer for England, Sir Chris Whitty, has urged people to get cycling. Speaking at the annual conference of the Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Public Health, Whitty said people should be encouraged to incorporate walking or cycling to work into their daily lives to help...


Greater danger from SUVs and vans

March 24, 2022

In news that will surprise nobody who ever walks or cycles, research from America has found that SUVs and vans are substantially more likely than cars to hit pedestrians when making turns. “We already know that larger vehicles cause more severe injuries when they strike pedestrians,” said Jessica Cicchino, one of the authors of the research...


Changes to mobile phone law for drivers

March 24, 2022

The law on people using their mobile phones while driving becomes stricter from 25 March 2022. Drivers can now be fined up to £1,000 and receive six points on their licence for any hand held phone use. Since 2003, it’s been an offence to use a hand-held mobile phone for 'interactive communication' while driving. However, over the last...


Win a mystery box of cycling goodies

March 24, 2022

We've collected all manner of weird and wonderful cycling-related goodies over the years so we're having a spring clean clear-out. The good news is we're packing the good stuff into a series of mystery boxes that you can win. This week's box will contain brand new cycling-related items worth at least £100. We're not going to list the...


Camera justice: Get paid for filming law-breaking drivers in the act

March 22, 2022

Now that every man, woman and child seems to have their own smartphone, why don't we help prosecute dangerous drivers by paying a bounty to those who catch them in the act? After all, our police is overstretched and crimes such as driving while using a mobile phone have become endemic. The law on mobile phone offences is being tightened...


The time has come for lower speed limits

March 18, 2022

We've known for decades that higher traffic speeds increases road danger. As a general rule for every 1 mph reduction in average speed, collision frequency reduces by around 5% (Taylor, Lynam and Baruya, 2000). It's the reason the ETA helped found 20s Plenty to campaign for a speed limit of 20mph to be normal on residential streets and in...


Can you run your car on vegetable oil?

March 18, 2022

As the price of a litre of diesel this week topped £1.75, video surfaced of a driver in a supermarket car park filling his car's fuel tank with bottle after bottle of vegetable oil - footage which quickly went viral on social media. Vegetable oil from the supermarket costs as little as £1.15 per litre, and you can use up to 2,500 litres of...


NZ halves public transport ticket prices

March 17, 2022

In response to soaring oil costs following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, New Zealand is to halve public transport fares for three months. The prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, said: “In the long term we need to build greater resilience into our transport system so we are less vulnerable to spikes in the price of petrol, but for now halving...

Bus Travel

Can we finally get an electric bicycle subsidy?

March 17, 2022

Mass use of electric bicycles could create more than £2bn in health benefits and cut one million tonnes of emissions annually according to an evidence review by academics at Westminster University, commissioned by the campaign group Bike is Best. Grants of £1,500 are available for low-emission cars but there is no such 'plug-in' grant for...


What is the true cost of motoring?

March 15, 2022

How much does you to run a car car day-to-day, month-on-month or over the entirety of your adult life? Cars are a major household expense, yet there is limited comprehension of their private (internal) and social (external) cost per km, year, or lifetime of use. So says 'The lifetime cost of driving a car' by Stefan Gossling, Jessica Kees...
